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Trained Box Designers Help Your Business Prosper

Designers should be influential in your business growth, but they need the training and awareness to acheive it

Value Engineering, what's this all about?

Be Different and get more sales....

6 Steps to Success

1. Initial training, with Sales, Design and Commercial staff

2. Identifying potential target customers.

3. Research the best ways to sell the concept to the potentials and the benefits to them.

4. Undertake an agreed survey/analysis of their operations.

5. Evaluate results and create a strategy to present the suggestions to improve cost efficiency for the customer and improve your margin.

6. Implementation and reviews.


I shadow the whole process from start to finish and offer the online Module 4 = Masterclass Outline, below or

On-site training with the whole team.

Call me now on 07941 390085

or email:




A Lack of Trained Designers will Cost you Money

The Eceeboxes Academy of Corrugated Box Design will take you from Zero to Hero

These courses are hosted by Thinkific, the leading online course platform. Signing up on the module sections below, will take you to the module you want to study

Thank you.


Designers could bring so much more value to grow your business

But, they don't know what they don't know!

Five decades of knowledge is packed into this course. Experiences, learning from mistakes, working with colleagues, winning awards and running design teams.

How This A to Z Course Works

Simply choose any one of the three modules below and sign up to learn.

If you need to chat to me, please use the email or AskMick on WhatsApp.



Below are the outlines of each individually priced module and what they cover

Or Go To The Course Collection On Thinkific, Here

I haven’t listed everything on these modules as there is so much more.

Over 400 learning slides with content on just about everything you need to know.

It’s acknowledged by many that there is a lack training facilties to get designers helping your business and customers prosper.


Well here it is..

Module One & Two

Starts with an intro as to why I created this course, what, why, where, how and who its for = YOU!!!!

Gets into paper, board and all the fundementals. All you need to know to get started as a designer.

This is for the new starter and is an important foundation to box design

Some of the topics are:

All the papers used

Kraft v Recycled

GSM and Soak Tests

All about board you were never told

Strengths of board

Basics of box science

And more


Sign up to these modules: £147

Module Three

Let’s get into the nitty gritty of box design and all that. Not just about origami. Lots about designing for production, basics of box compression, just loads of stuff.

Deckling, Tooling, Drop testing.

Even How to Manage you team and your boss, including training matrix etc

This is for someone who wants to go beyond FEFCO and just making samples from Parametrics.

Some of the topics are:

Board Allowances, the real ones.


Inside/Outside story

Origami, do’s & don’ts

Working with production, VERY important

Auto packing systems


Drop testing

Your role

Managing your work flow and boss

And a lot more I’m not showing on here

Sign up to this module: £347

Module Four: MasterClass: All about Value Engineering

Optimisation, box performance, McKee formula, how to audit a user, really advanced stuff but put across in a basic easy to understand way, using programmes like CAPE (there’s others) & lots more serious stuff too. It’s all in here = 50 years of brain dump!!!

Some of the topics are:


All about supply chains

Auditing and getting the data

All about box compression, and the secrets no one tells you

Real life examples

And a load more

Sign up to this module: £427

Ask Mick on WhatsApp....

A completely unique support system.

Not only will your designer learn the full monty, they will get support for 3 months , from signing up, on my WhatsApp site “AskMIck” a totally unique platform for asking me follow up questions relating to the course and extra advice, but also supporting your business.

If you want to chat about a specific customers of yours, then contact me confidentially by email:

A Little Bit About Me

I’ve always had an interest in passing on my knowledge to new starters over the years. I have trained over a dozen designers. After 5 decades in the box business, as a designer and Design Manager, along with 20 years as a freelancer, there is a need for an independent and comprehensive design course.

From the early days of drawing on old fashioned drafting boards in the 70s to CAD in the 80s, RRP in the 90s and eCom in the 2010s, you tend to pick up a lot of skills.

There’s also, in mine and others opinion, a lack a quality training for designers and sales/ commercial staff in our industry.

I see it as my role to pass that on that knowledge as well as mentoring.

I’ve worked for a lot of the major high street brands and every sector boxes are used, from small start ups to globals like P&G, Nestle and eCommerce.

ASK MICK on WhatsApp is a unique platform for me to continue to help designers on anything that crops up from the course.

Mick Parkes.

June 2023

The Design Right of the Boxes shown below belong to me 2023